bastille attack

There’s nothing Nice about this attack

Horrific images have emerged from the terrorist attack that occurred in Nice yesterday. At least eighty people have been confirmed dead and CNN reports that at least 100 are injured. Twitter has been flooded with the news.

The Bastille Day celebrations that took place were celebrating all things French including a military parade in Paris, dancing and French cuisine. What was meant to be a day of unity became a blood bath of epic proportions.

A crowd of people had just enjoyed watching the Bastille Day firework display and were getting up to leave when a white truck drove into them. It was thought that the murderer wanted to take down as many bodies as humanly possible. The truck was loaded with guns and grenades.

Dead bodies littered the streets and spectators described the scene as chaotic. ABC producer David Coady told ABC News 24 that “People were tripping over in the commotion, there was a lot of panic. People were trying to get into hotels, any businesses that were open, trying to take shelter because it was unclear what was happening.”

Jihadist groups including the Islamic State Group are being suspected for the attack; according to France’s intelligence agency and judicial police force. French Interior Ministy spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet has said that officials were investigating whether the driver acted alone.

GOP nominee Donald Trump said, “In light of the horrible attack in Nice, France, I have postponed tomorrow’s news conference concerning my Vice Presidential announcement.,” the businessman-turned-politician tweeted Thursday afternoon” (The Hollywood Reporter, 2016). 

Evidence shows the truck sustained over half a dozen bullet holes through the windshield of the car.

Police have since killed the driver of the truck.


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