
No more 16GB iPhone

For all of us that have faced the struggle of deleting photos and music on a regular basis due to having a 16GB iPhone, here is some good news for you. Apple may be saying goodbye to its smallest memory size iPhone according to The Wall Street Journal.

The next release of the iPhone 7 in Spring will apparently start at 32GB and thank goodness for that because there’s nothing more frustrating than that ‘storage full’ notification popping up on your screen.

According to TWSJ’s source, Apple will be making the phones available in 32GB, 128GB and a 256GB only for the iPhone 7 Plus. We should hopefully also be blessed with some improved camera quality just in time for all of our summer snaps. There’s also been speculation that we’ll be losing the headphone jack which is looking quite likely.

We’ll have to sit tight over the next few months to see whether or not the rumours are true, but fingers crossed Apple will be fixing our small memory problems.





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