Netflix Embraces Diversity by Hiring New ‘Inclusion Strategist’ Verna Myers

Netflix has hired a new ‘Inclusion Strategist’ in a move to diversify the company after claims that they opposed diversity and equality. Verna Myers has taken on the position with the television and film streaming company after former communications spokesperson Jonathan Friedland was fired for using the N-word in several meetings with his team.

Myers is an African American author and founder/president of the Verna Myers Company. Her company advises major US organisations about acceptance of issues related to race, gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity. Myers said in a personal statement that she was excited to work with the company after being interested in working their for a long time.

“I have been a longtime fan of the inclusive and diverse programming and talent at Netflix, and then I got a chance to meet the people behind the screen. I was so impressed by their mission, their excellence, and decision to take their inclusion and diversity efforts to a higher level.”

Myers will work with Netflix to create strategies to promote acceptance and inclusion of cultural diversity. The company have always faced backlash for their lack of cultural diversity in the workplace. Netflix currently ranks last out of 10 studios for their diversity of television and film directors. The incident with ex-spokesperson Friedland was the final straw for the company. They have engaged in a variety of initiatives to emphasise their acceptance and appreciation of cultural variety in the workplace. The most successful campaign, called “Strong Black Lead”, highlights the achievements of African-American actors who star in television shows and films being streamed by the company.

Netflix hopes that hiring Myers will encourage more diversity within the workplace for the future.

“As a global company dedicated to attracting the best people and representing a broad range of perspectives, Vernā will be an invaluable champion of our efforts to build a culture where all employees thrive,” said Chief Talent Officer Jessica Neal in a statement.





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