Mac Pro

The Mac Pro is finally getting an overhaul

The Mac Pro was Apple’s answer to converting PC fans to the brand. After its fairly unheralded release in 2013, the Mac Pro is getting a much needed upgrade.

The Mac Pro was released and then Apple did nothing with it, leaving fans who wanted to convert to Apple confused. It was the answer to an Apple fan who wanted a powerful machine, but weren’t too sure how to build it themselves, but it was mostly unexplained. Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller has apologised for not doing anything with it after the Pro was released. However, Schiller has said that the changes will impress Apple fans.

“The current Mac Pro, as we’ve said a few times, was constrained thermally and it restricted our ability to upgrade it. And for that, we’re sorry to disappoint customers who wanted that, and we’ve asked the team to go and re-architect and design something great for the future that those Mac Pro customers who want more expandability, more upgradability in the future. It will meet more of those needs,” said Schiller.

Mac Pro fans are very excited that the Mac Pro will be getting an upgrade, as the major flaw in the previous model prevented much use. The flaw was the overheating that occurred when one side of the three triangles in the Mac Pro were used. The announcement that this flaw will be resolved is delighting Apple consumers.

Apple also announced that they’re releasing an external display for the Pro, which is huge as this has not been previously offered. Unfortunately, it seems like the only thing that Apple didn’t announce was a release date for this all to happen, although they have started to offer updates for those who have a Mac Pro.

“As part of doing a new Mac Pro — it is, by definition, a modular system — we will be doing a Pro display as well. Now you won’t see any of those products this year; we’re in the process of that. We think it’s really important to create something great for our pro customers who want a Mac Pro modular system, and that’ll take longer than this year to do,” Schiller said.






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