Modern communications

What’s Up WhatsApp – App Reaches One Billion Users

One Billion people are now using the mobile messaging service WhatsApp ranking it as the second-most popular app on the planet. Second only to the ubiquitous Facebook app, WhatsApp is now used by almost one in seven people worldwide.

In a blog post yesterday WhatsApp revealed the landmark news and thanked its one billion users for choosing their app to keep in touch.

“We are proud of this milestone, and we’re humbled by the extraordinary ways all of you have used WhatsApp. Whether it’s sharing vital information during natural disasters or health emergencies, finding a date, growing a small business, buying an engagement ring, or seeking a better life – we’re honored to be a small part of what people are doing to make their lives and the lives of those around them better.”

Despite its initial foundations in Silicon Valley, the App is yet to become commonplace within the US. The technology is however widely utilised across Europe, South America, Africa and parts of the Middle East, with the platform seen to be providing a viable alternative to costly localised communications fees.

WhatsApp Messenger works as a cross-platform mobile messaging app, allowing individuals to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. In addition to this, the company recently added voice call capabilities to the app, meaning that users are now able to make phone calls via the Internet rather than via problematic and erratic mobile infrastructure.

Facebook took a gamble in purchasing WhatsApp for $19billion just over two years ago, however the acquisition is paying off (metaphorically, rather than literally) WhatsApp’s biggest hurdle now is to develop a feasible source of revenue – a reality that has escaped them thus far.


Via: Wired 





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