Everything You Need To Know About Dental Implants & Post Op Care

A straight smile can give you the confidence you need to take on the world! We spoke with Dr Helen about Full Mouth Dental Implants and the benefits of having your treatment in Australia with locally made dental implants, rather than overseas. 

Why do patients get treatment overseas?

When a patient is considering getting one, two or even a full mouth of dental implants, they often look into getting their surgery done overseas. In countries where the cost of living is lower, the cost of implant surgery is often cheaper too. It’s an understandable temptation, a patient can go overseas, have dental implant surgery, a vacation and still save!

What are the risks?

The most obvious risk is that getting a dental implant overseas means receiving medical treatment in a country where the standards and regulations may be less strict than in Australia. You can find trusted surgeons who may have even trained here in Australia for implant surgery, but there are other lesser-known risks to keep in mind.

What other things do you need to consider?

Dental implant surgery is the easy part. A single dental implant takes about an hour to place and even full mouth dental implants are done in one day! However, healing is the difficult part. Even with the best dental surgeon, the body’s healing process can be anything but straightforward. When a patient gets dental implants with Dr Helen, she sees them for monthly check-ups and reviews up to a year after implantation, because any issues caught early on can save time and money. Furthermore, an issue caught early is much more manageable than a problem that lies dormant for months or years before symptoms present.

What are the costs?

If the implant was placed overseas and you need medical care when you’re back in Australia, the costs of getting treatment here will quickly add up. What’s more, not all implant systems are easy to service here in Australia. It can be difficult to find the right brand of implant and knock-off brands with no traceable record are often used. Corresponding with overseas doctors can be time-consuming and sometimes impossible, especially when the problem requires urgent care.

Why should you get dental implant surgery in Australia?

Australian dental implant surgeons like Dr Helen will factor in the lifetime cost, maintenance, and longevity of a dental implant. Using the highest quality materials benefits not only patients but surgeons like Dr Helen too, because a lasting implant means a happy patient! Australian made dental implant crowns are the most thoroughly researched implant systems and highly regulated surgical practices are all part of the Dr Helen difference when it comes to implant surgery. These standards may be difficult to find overseas.