
Telstra has another outage

For the second time in the past two months, Telstra’s network went down. Last night a problem triggered many customers to be disconnected from the network and then when the telco attempted to reconnect them there was too much congestion.

The disconnection started happening around 6pm and it was not until an hour and a half later than customers’ connections were restored. To redeem themselves a second time, Telstra will again offer their customers “free data” to apologise for the inconvenience.

Last time customers downloaded around 1,841 terabytes each over the 24 hours so come Sunday April 3rd we expect people to take advantage of it and do the same.

CEO Andrew Penn said to the media this morning, “I take accountability…one outage is not good enough. Two is not acceptable. I know today how much you rely on the network. I’m sincerely sorry to all of our customers.”





One response to “Telstra has another outage”

  1. […] Sunday April 3rd, Telstra held a free data day to try to appease customers and atone for the massive outages experienced over the last eight weeks. As you might expect, customers downloaded the largest amount […]

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