
Telstra data guy teams up with… Telstra

Remember that Telstra data guy that downloaded a terabyte aka $10,000 worth of data on Telstra’s free data Sunday? Well he said he’d never work for Telstra but turns out he’s not a man of his word after accepting an offer to work with the telco.

Two days before he accepted the offer John Szaszvari said, “I don’t think I’d ever work for them. Too much red tape and silly internal politics that don’t allow any real work to be done.” However something about Telstra trying to create the best internet experience must have made him change his mind.

A Telstra spokesman said, “We’ve invited him to help test our upcoming 1Gbps (1000 megabits per second) mobile broadband hotspot before we make it available to our customers. The device will be the first of its kind in the world and should be capable of speeds around three times faster than his current phone. “

Szaszvari will be testing out the speeds to try and push the limits to improve Australia’s largest network. He also explained that he didn’t realise Telstra was working on something so advanced and is impressed to see they’ve picked the ball up.





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