Tag: workplace

  • McDonald’s Ex-CEO fined for allegedly misleading investors about his firing

    McDonald’s Ex-CEO fined for allegedly misleading investors about his firing

    Disgraced former McDonald’s CEO Steve Easterbrook will pay US$400,000 ($578,000) to settle charges that he allegedly misled investors about the circumstances of his 2019 firing following a relationship with an employee. According to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, McDonald’s fired Easterbrook for “engaging in an inappropriate personal relationship with a McDonald’s employee in violation…

  • Jordan Peterson asks “Why should you wear makeup in the workplace”

    Jordan Peterson asks “Why should you wear makeup in the workplace”

    Jordan Peterson came under significant fire for what was eventually revealed to be a heavily edited video by Vice in which he proposes a thought experiment regarding the use of makeup in the workplace. Jordan Peterson has become one of the most influential and recognized intellectuals in the media at the moment after his best…

  • Five solutions for afternoon burnout in the workplace

    Five solutions for afternoon burnout in the workplace

    It’s almost a ritual in the workplace. The ubiquitous mid-afternoon slump that gets to all of us, no matter how fresh we feel bouncing into the office at 9am. So how do we counteract this threat to productivity in simple and realistic ways when all we seem capable of doing is daydreaming or, worse, nodding…

  • Atlassian works towards gender equality in tech

    Atlassian works towards gender equality in tech

    Australian founded workplace solutions company Atlassian is making strides towards gender equality in technology with their graduate intake. This year’s graduate intake for US$6 billion company is comprised of nearly 60% women. This represents a massive increase on last year’s 17% women graduate figure. Female representation in technology industry is an ongoing challenge that needs to…

  • How to speak up to your boss

    How to speak up to your boss

    It’s really difficult to work hard and feel appreciated in a job when you’re feeling under pressure. Maybe there are new people in your team, or your boss hasn’t listened to your ideas, whatever it is, you need to air your concerns. You should never do so in a public display of airing your dirty laundry,…

  • How to improve your workplace culture

    How to improve your workplace culture

    It’s the new year, which means time for a fresh outlook on life and work. If you’re looking to change things up at work to make your workplace more engaging and interesting, follow these steps to facilitate change.   1. Allow time for creativity Studies on creativity and innovation acknowledge that imposing time pressures can increase…

  • Staff paid a measly $4 an hour

    Staff paid a measly $4 an hour

    It has been revealed that Taiwanese company Chia Tung Development Corp have been breaching several Fair Work Acts for temporary visa holders. 43 staff, largely from the Philippines were exploited as they undertook work as welders, metal fabricators and electricians in regional NSW. The workers received as little as $4 an hour. Not only was the pay grossly…