Tag: women

  • Australian female billionaires with the highest net worth

    Australian female billionaires with the highest net worth

    Rank Name City Net worth (billions AUD) 1 Gina Rinehart Perth $43.17 2 Melanie Perkins Sydney $5.27 3 Fiona Geminder Melbourne $3.77 4 Heloise Pratt Melbourne $3.17 5 Ginia Rinehart Sydney $3.16 =6 Bianca Rinehart Brisbane $3.14 =6 Hope Welker New York $3.14 8 Gretel Packer Sydney $2.20 9 Angela Bennett Perth $2.18 *= represents…

  • Winners in the 19th Annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business Announced

    Winners in the 19th Annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business Announced

    14 November 2022 – Fairfax, VA USA: Shining a spotlight on women executives, entrepreneurs, and organizations run by women, winners in the 2022 Stevie® Awards for Women in Business were announced on Friday, November 11. The Stevie Awards for Women in Business is an international competition produced by the creators of the prestigious International Business Awards® and American…

  • The Ground-Breaking Natural Solution Targeting Menopause Symptoms

    A GOLD Coast-based business owner is joining the fight to tackle the symptoms of menopause saying ‘generic’ treatments are a thing of the past. Nature’s Help founder Kirsty Strowger says her new range of evidenced based TGA-listed nutraceuticals will ‘revolutionise’ the way Australian women ward off menopause symptoms. “Menopause can be a daunting and confusing…

  • Jordan Peterson asks “Why should you wear makeup in the workplace”

    Jordan Peterson asks “Why should you wear makeup in the workplace”

    Jordan Peterson came under significant fire for what was eventually revealed to be a heavily edited video by Vice in which he proposes a thought experiment regarding the use of makeup in the workplace. Jordan Peterson has become one of the most influential and recognized intellectuals in the media at the moment after his best…

  • Manly Council urged to rename suburb “Womanly” for international Women’s day

    Manly Council urged to rename suburb “Womanly” for international Women’s day

    Today a group of Sydney Business women and two local councillors gathered at Manly beach in preparation for International women’s day. Their request was a simple yet gentle message for the hierarchy, for just 24 hours, to rename Manly to “WoManly” The gathering was organised by architect Luisa Manfredini, who also founded the WoManly Community…

  • Atlassian works towards gender equality in tech

    Atlassian works towards gender equality in tech

    Australian founded workplace solutions company Atlassian is making strides towards gender equality in technology with their graduate intake. This year’s graduate intake for US$6 billion company is comprised of nearly 60% women. This represents a massive increase on last year’s 17% women graduate figure. Female representation in technology industry is an ongoing challenge that needs to…

  • Cyberhate and online abuse is commonplace for women

    Cyberhate and online abuse is commonplace for women

    76 per cent of women under the age of thirty are likely to cop online abuse; according to Australian Research, as conducted by Norton. These figures come amidst the cyber-hate and online abuse that women receive on social media. Women are being told to “Sit on a butchers knife”, “Slut kill yourself” and “Get a knife and shove it…

  • Superannuation not so super for women

    Superannuation not so super for women

    A senate inquiry into Women’s Economic Security in Retirement has found that men on average retire with double the superannuation savings of women. With the gender pay gap at an all time high of 18.8%, it comes as no surprise that women’s futures are also threatened by gender bias. Research done by the Workplace Gender…

  • The Global Gender Gap

    The Global Gender Gap

    Living in the 21st century, any sensible person would expect gender equality to be a ‘thing’ by now but unfortunately that dream is still not a reality. The World Economic Forum has released the Global Gender Gap Report 2015, which measures over ten years of global gender gap performance. Out of 145 countries, Australia ranked…