Tag: wikileaks

  • Julian Assange offers leaks to tech firms

    Julian Assange offers leaks to tech firms

    Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has openly offered further leaks regarding the CIA’s cyber-warfare programme exclusively to technology firms. Assange alleges that providing tech companies with the leaked information will help people to get their data secured faster. After Wikileaks released the first volume of classified files about the CIA’s cyber-security arsenal on Tuesday, Mr Assange has come…

  • Tech giants respond to CIA hacking leaks

    Tech giants respond to CIA hacking leaks

    Technology titans including Apple, Samsung and Microsoft have been quick to respond to the Wikileaks files detailing CIA hacking tools by publishing security reviews of their products. The whistleblower website, founded by Julian Assange in 2006, published on Tuesday the first part of what it code-named ‘Vault 7’. ‘Vault 7’ is the largest ever collection of…

  • Wikileaks drop ‘Vault 7’ documents

    Wikileaks drop ‘Vault 7’ documents

    Wikileaks have dropped thousands of documents that reveal sensitive information about the CIA and their entire hacking capabilities. The documents allege that the CIA exploited flaws within Apple and Samsung phones to monitor the actions of citizens and corporations. The CIA reports show the USG developing vulnerabilities in US products, then intentionally keeping the holes open. Reckless beyond…