Tag: WhatsApp

  • Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App has revolutionised the business, economic and technology industry as we know it. In just fourteen hours, it became the most downloaded app and already generates a daily revenue of $1.6 millionUSD. In fact, across both iOS and Android, the game has more than 7.5 million downloads in the US alone.  It’s a big…

  • What’s Up WhatsApp – App Reaches One Billion Users

    What’s Up WhatsApp – App Reaches One Billion Users

    One Billion people are now using the mobile messaging service WhatsApp ranking it as the second-most popular app on the planet. Second only to the ubiquitous Facebook app, WhatsApp is now used by almost one in seven people worldwide. In a blog post yesterday WhatsApp revealed the landmark news and thanked its one billion users…