Tag: video

  • Video Marketing – What Is It and Why Is It So Powerful?

    Video Marketing – What Is It and Why Is It So Powerful?

    What is Video Marketing? Video marketing is the single most important marketing strategy today. Its vast popularity and accessibility has made this so. In the past 6 years alone, online video plays have increased by a phenomenal 800%, while video content now accounts for over 74% of all online traffic. It makes sense for businesses…

  • Greenpeace says Netflix isn’t environmentally friendly

    Greenpeace says Netflix isn’t environmentally friendly

    Greenpeace recently released a report detailing the carbon footprints left by video streaming services such as Hulu and Amazon Prime. Unfortunately, our favourite video streaming services are not having a great impact on the earth. All the Netflix binges we indulge in are streamed to our phones, laptops and TVs through servers that utilise a…

  • Netflix now available to watch offline

    Netflix now available to watch offline

    The streaming video titan Netflix unveiled a major update yesterday, allowing viewers to download content for offline viewing. This is a must-have feature for the binge watchers gearing up for the Christmas holidays, and has long been requested by users. Only selected content will be available immediately, including Netflix original content such as Orange is…

  • Instagram videos extended up to 60 seconds

    Instagram videos extended up to 60 seconds

    If you’re currently struggling to condense the amazement of what your business has to offer in just 15 seconds, then looks like Instagram might be here to the rescue. Since introducing video sharing in June 2013, the platform has limited users to a 15 second time frame. As part of their continue commitment, the social…

  • Youtube finds its way to the Oscars thanks to Casey Nesitat

    Youtube finds its way to the Oscars thanks to Casey Nesitat

    Casey Neistat is a vlogger (daily video diary maker) and movie maker on youtube as well as the creator of Beme (an app that allows you to take short videos without having to remove your eyes from the scene). He was invited to film the Oscars from his point of view using Samsung’s new gear…

  • Facebook Takes On Periscope

    Facebook Takes On Periscope

    After 5 months of tweaks, Facebook is opening its Live feature to all U.S. iPhone users and plan to roll out to the rest of the world over the next coming weeks. On Periscope, videos can be re-watched only during the 24 hours after it was broadcasted whereas Facebook Live allows endless replays. To share…