Tag: tinder

  • Tinder now allows users to choose from 37 genders

    Tinder now allows users to choose from 37 genders

    Online dating just became a lot more specific with the recent update from matchmaking app Tinder. Previously, users could only choose from two genders, male and female, the new update now allows users to choose from up to 37 genders, with the added option of being able to add your own personal preferred gender if the option is…

  • Cyberhate and online abuse is commonplace for women

    Cyberhate and online abuse is commonplace for women

    76 per cent of women under the age of thirty are likely to cop online abuse; according to Australian Research, as conducted by Norton. These figures come amidst the cyber-hate and online abuse that women receive on social media. Women are being told to “Sit on a butchers knife”, “Slut kill yourself” and “Get a knife and shove it…

  • Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App has revolutionised the business, economic and technology industry as we know it. In just fourteen hours, it became the most downloaded app and already generates a daily revenue of $1.6 millionUSD. In fact, across both iOS and Android, the game has more than 7.5 million downloads in the US alone.  It’s a big…

  • Tinder, but for insurance.

    Tinder, but for insurance.

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of the low-maintenance dating app taking the world by storm – Tinder. Well, Scott Walchek has invented a Tinder-type app for a very different goal, insurance. Yes, you read that right – he’s made a Tinder for insurance. The new start up app is called…