Tag: rooftop solar energy

  • Turnbull rejects calls to bail out Hazelwood

    Turnbull rejects calls to bail out Hazelwood

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has emphatically turned down a call from Tony Abbott to stay the closure of Hazelwood power station in order to prevent the worsening of the impending energy crisis. Former Prime Minister Abbott has publicly urged current Prime Minister Turnbull to rethink the planned closure of the Gippsland-based power station in Victoria, warning that…

  • Solar power is the new king

    By 2030, it is estimated that more and more households will be using solar power rather than power supply devices that chew up energy bills. Thanks to more air conditioners, larger televisions, more web-connected devices and bigger fridges and washing machines, Australia’s usage of power is at an all time high. Add to this the growing population estimated…