Tag: Pollution

  • Great Barrier Reef under threat

    Great Barrier Reef under threat

    Australia’s iconic tourist attraction The Great Barrier reef could be history if temperatures continue to rise. Prominent Marine Scientist and Professor, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, believes with 99 percent certainty that anthropogenic climate change is driving this. Mass coral bleaching is having a detrimental impact on coral, combined with fossil fuels. Over 1000 kilometres of reef have been…

  • A Breath Of Fresh Air

    A Breath Of Fresh Air

    Air, one of the world’s most bountiful, natural, renewable resources, is being bottled and sold to enthusiastic consumers around the world. If you are feeling slightly skeptical about this don’t worry, you’re not alone. It appears that British company Aethaer is legitimately tapping into a market that is desperate for fresh, clean air; something that is in…