Tag: politics

  • Scott Morrison is Australia’s 30th Prime Minister

    Scott Morrison is Australia’s 30th Prime Minister

    After a week of backstabbing, resignations, and liberal spill after liberal spill, the nation finally has a Prime Minister. Scott Morrison has been confirmed as Australia’s 6th Prime Minister since 2007. Morrison takes over the position from Malcolm Turnbull, after yesterday pledging his support for the former PM before the media. In a party room meeting…

  • First Muslim Woman Elected to Congress to Meet With Trump in November

    First Muslim Woman Elected to Congress to Meet With Trump in November

    Trump has a very specific model for the politicians that make up his administration. Where he hasn’t employed his family members, an office of wealthy, social-media savvy, white supremacists make up his team. The team that currently controls the United States and the fate of all its people. A Muslim woman of Palestinian heritage born…

  • Australian MPs, police, and judges targeted in email hack

    Australian MPs, police, and judges targeted in email hack

    The private email accounts of thousands of Australian government officials, Australian Federal Police, judges and members of Parliament have been exposed in a massive data breach at Yahoo. The hack, which is thought to be the biggest in the world, impacted one billion accounts. The ABC reports that the private data of 3, 400 high profile…

  • Reversal of Greyhound racing ban confirmed

    Reversal of Greyhound racing ban confirmed

    Since announcing a complete ban on greyhound racing effective from July 2017, NSW Premier Mike Baird has faced intense pressure from the opposition and the Australian public over the proposal. And in this mornings two-hour-long cabinet meeting, it has been confirmed that the controversial ban is going to be reversed. The ministers are now looking…

  • Malcolm Turnbull is willing to negotiate marriage plebiscite

    Malcolm Turnbull is willing to negotiate marriage plebiscite

    As we reported earlier this week, Bill Shorten recently introduced new legislation with an aim to legalise same-sex marriage. The movement from the opposition came following criticism to the coalition’s original plans to run a plebiscite. The plebiscite is set to implement a national vote over whether marriage equality should be legalised, and it will cost $15 million…

  • ICAC report hands down it’s findings

    ICAC report hands down it’s findings

    The ICAC inquiry found several former NSW Liberal politicians and prominent businessmen had acted with the intention to evade political donation laws in 2011. The findings were released yesterday, after almost two years of investigation into the Liberal donations, with recommended charges to be laid against former Liberal minister Chris Hartcher, current MP and former police minister Mike Gallacher and…

  • Britain to say bye to EU membership

    Britain to say bye to EU membership

    Britain has left the European Union to the shock of many, including Prime Minister David Cameron, who’s none too pleased by this. If Britain is to sign on the bottom line, there may potentially need to be several changes made to trade tariffs, migration and the regulation of cars to agriculture. It’s going to have a rippling effect on the…

  • Malcolm Turnbull announces federal election

    Malcolm Turnbull announces federal election

    The past few years of Australian politics hasn’t been the most stable, with four leaders being in power in just a two year span. Following his election as Prime Minister last September, Turnbull hasn’t done much in terms of policy, largely as a result of the conflicts within government which don’t allow much moving space…

  • Shorten’s take on the 2016 budget

    Shorten’s take on the 2016 budget

    Opposition leader Bill Shorten has recently provided a rebuttal against Turnbull’s proposed 2016 budget as announced this week. Shorten did not hold back in his criticisms of the current prime minister, claiming that the PM’s budget caters only to the top few or, as Shorten puts it, “Malcolm’s Millionares”. According to Shorten, this budget prioritises big…