Tag: pain

  • Ticketless train stations are a major cause for concern

    Ticketless train stations are a major cause for concern

    Since 2012, paper tickets have been on their way out, after the state invested $1.4 billion into the electronic Opal ticketing system. Nearly five years on, and more than 7.5 million have converted to Opal. Now, the Government has set a deadline for the 1st August when paper tickets will be fully abolished. Transport for NSW said, “Just…

  • Animal testing to be banned on Cosmetics

    Animal testing to be banned on Cosmetics

    Over six million animals are vivisected annually. The term ‘vivisection’ is used to describe performing operations on live animals for the purpose of ‘scientific research’ or experimentation. Humans selfishly turn a blind eye to the inhumane treatment our furry friends endure so we can be more beautiful. It’s not just cosmetics that animals test but sunscreen and baby products too. The…

  • Nurofen fined $1.7 million for misleading consumers

    Nurofen fined $1.7 million for misleading consumers

    The company that sells Nurofen, Reckitt Benckiser, has been fined $1.7 million by the Federal Court for misleading Australian consumers about their pain relief products. The Nurofen Specific range are advertised to specifically target various types of pain including back, period, migraine and tension headache pain. It was argued that despite the packaging and marketing, the products…