Tag: optus

  • Visa is changing how people pay

    Visa is changing how people pay

    Payments technology has changed significantly over the last twenty years, with traditional cash payments being slowly outmoded by other methods of payment. This is due in large part to Visa, which, along with other credit card companies, has driven and revolutionised payment technology. Their latest payment innovation is a wearable pay band. According to Visa, the payment…

  • Optus offers free calls to Belgium

    Optus offers free calls to Belgium

    Bomb attacks have ripped through Belgium’s Brussels international airport and Maelbeek metro station killing more than 30 people. Twin blasts hit the American departure area of Zaventem airport with 11 people reportedly killed. Later hitting again at the station just 200 metres from the headquarters of the European Commission killing about 20 people. Brussels police…

  • What are Telcos doing to keep you in your contract for longer?

    What are Telcos doing to keep you in your contract for longer?

    They call you up and offer you a brand new phone for just $99 so how could you say no? It’s a sneaky trap that just about everyone falls for. Optus is now joining the Telstra ‘way’ by locking in new contracts before the last ones are even finished. Now people on a 24-month plan…

  • Optus push notification ads on iPhone

    Optus push notification ads on iPhone

    What an eventful week for Optus! Earlier this week there was speculation that the telecommunications company would be letting 1000 employees go in an attempt to cut costs. They denied the mass redundancies but are again in the limelight just days later. This time it’s in regards to a recent update to the Optus iPhone…