Tag: non-renewable energy

  • Turnbull rejects calls to bail out Hazelwood

    Turnbull rejects calls to bail out Hazelwood

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has emphatically turned down a call from Tony Abbott to stay the closure of Hazelwood power station in order to prevent the worsening of the impending energy crisis. Former Prime Minister Abbott has publicly urged current Prime Minister Turnbull to rethink the planned closure of the Gippsland-based power station in Victoria, warning that…

  • Government prepares $2bn Snowy Hydro expansion

    Government prepares $2bn Snowy Hydro expansion

    The Federal Government will today unveil a plan for a $2 billion expansion of the Snowy Hydro electric scheme in order to stave off the impending energy crisis on Australia’s east coast. This expansion is set to increase the output of the hydroelectric power scheme by up to 50%. The move which is being heralded…

  • Greenpeace says Netflix isn’t environmentally friendly

    Greenpeace says Netflix isn’t environmentally friendly

    Greenpeace recently released a report detailing the carbon footprints left by video streaming services such as Hulu and Amazon Prime. Unfortunately, our favourite video streaming services are not having a great impact on the earth. All the Netflix binges we indulge in are streamed to our phones, laptops and TVs through servers that utilise a…