Tag: New Years

  • 5 Habits Unsuccessful People Have

    5 Habits Unsuccessful People Have

    2017 is almost here, and with it, the prospects of change, a new start and a lot of resolutions that are bound to be broken. Especially if you follow this list of habits unsuccessful people have. We’ve collected this list so you know what not to do in the new year to make this year…

  • Alcohol banned at Coogee for the rest of summer

    Alcohol banned at Coogee for the rest of summer

    Alcohol has been banned at Coogee beach for summer after 10,000 party goers absolutely trashed it on Christmas day. 15 tonnes of garbage was left behind forcing the Randwick City Council to declare the beach alcohol free. Council workers were left to clean up the mess from broken bottles, leftover food and wrapping paper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYBhKWRU31Y Mayor,…