Tag: maths

  • Tougher numeracy and literacy systems to be introduced by 2020

    Tougher numeracy and literacy systems to be introduced by 2020

    The HSC or Higher School Certificate could soon be referred to as the Higher Stress Certificate.  The Federal Government announced it’s plans to introduce mandatory levels of numeracy on Tuesday, from 2020 onwards. The pressure will be on for parents, teachers and students alike. Australia is far behind the rest of the world when it comes to numeracy and literacy levels, and,…

  • Maths and science might soon be compulsory.

    Maths and science might soon be compulsory.

    When speaking to students in Western Sydney on Sunday, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced that he wishes to make maths and science compulsory subjects for high school graduation. He laments about his own education at prestigious all boys school Sydney Grammar, where he was required to do those subjects. Turnbull was quoted as saying that…