Tag: market value

  • Market Value Losses and Dropping User Rates: What Does it All Mean?

    Market Value Losses and Dropping User Rates: What Does it All Mean?

    Social media site Facebook has seen the biggest plunge in their market value to date, decreasing by approximately 20%, and $120 billion USD. This is the largest decrease in market value within 24 hours by any US company. But what does this mean for Facebook users? Will Facebook fall down the same hole as MySpace…

  • Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App has revolutionised the business, economic and technology industry as we know it. In just fourteen hours, it became the most downloaded app and already generates a daily revenue of $1.6 millionUSD. In fact, across both iOS and Android, the game has more than 7.5 million downloads in the US alone.  It’s a big…