Tag: mark zuckerberg

  • The Platform of Scandals: Facebook’s Discriminatory Advertising

    The Platform of Scandals: Facebook’s Discriminatory Advertising

    Facebook sure is having a bad moment. First we were confronted with the shocking revelation of privacy infringement in the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Not only did it lead to a trial for Mark Zuckerberg, but the social media giant underwent massive losses in its followers. Set to lose 2.1 million users in the US alone,…

  • Mark Zuckerberg Addresses the Cambridge Analytica Scandal

    Mark Zuckerberg Addresses the Cambridge Analytica Scandal

    Mark Zuckerberg is currently under fire following the revelations of Facebook’s involvement with Cambridge Analytica—a voter profiling company. It came to light on the 17th of March that Facebook released the personal information of 50 million users ahead of Trump’s 2016 election without permission via a personality app called ‘This Is Your Digital Life’, created…

  • Facebook smashes second quarter earnings

    Facebook smashes second quarter earnings

    According to Business Insider, Facebook just smashed its 2nd quarter earnings for April to June. The company delivered a 59% increase that blew past Wall Street targets and sent its shares rocketing up 8% to a new all time high. Facebook has however cautioned investors that it doesn’t expect as much growth in the coming quarters,…

  • Movies that have taught us how to be a Super-Manager

    Movies that have taught us how to be a Super-Manager

    A good manager is someone who creates a friendly and productive work environment by proper communication and good ethical behaviour. Entrepreneur gives us lessons from big-time movies that have an effective message for leadership. But how do we become these sorts of people without much guidance or help from others? We take a look at four famous movies, Office…

  • Facebook Messenger to introduce Chatbots

    Facebook Messenger to introduce Chatbots

    Mark Zuckerberg today announced that Facebook Messenger will be open to businesses and pages, allowing them to build customised chatbots for customers to interact with. You can do anything from ask a business chatbot a question to ordering products. “We think you should just be able to message a business the same way that you…

  • Facebook v. Snapchat

    Facebook v. Snapchat

    Ever since Snapchat became one of the big players in the social media world, Facebook has done it’s best to stay ahead of their highly successful competitor. Mark Zuckerberg actually really wanted to buy Snapchat (for $1 billion) but being turned down meant they would need to do whatever it takes to compete. Facebook recently…

  • What would the Internet look like without the influence of Mark Zuckerberg?

    What would the Internet look like without the influence of Mark Zuckerberg?

    It’s inarguable that Mark Zuckerberg revolutionised the Internet. Facebook changed it’s purpose radically and infinitely, so much so that it’s hard to imagine the Internet without Zuckerberg. Facebook also inspired other huge apps we use in our daily life, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat. It changed the way we sell our ideas, the way we write, journalism,…

  • Show love, anger or a wow reaction on Facebook with new reactions

    Show love, anger or a wow reaction on Facebook with new reactions

    The long-lived dilemma of being uncertain whether or not to ‘like’ a friend’s sad post has come to an end. Today Facebook has introduced reactions, which offers a range of options to express exactly how you feel without having to comment. Scrolling through one’s newsfeed has become a daily ritual for Facebook users to get updates from…

  • India says no to Free Internet

    India says no to Free Internet

    Free Basics by Facebook aims to bring “the benefits of connectivity to the two-thirds of the world that doesn’t have them.” They are developing solar-powered drones that can beam internet to rural areas. They are seeking to provide websites without data charges in markets where internet access may be less affordable. The types of content…

  • Facebook Announces 6 Degrees of Separation Should Be 3.57

    Facebook Announces 6 Degrees of Separation Should Be 3.57

    Facebook is challenging the well-known 20th century ‘six degrees of separation’ theory in saying that we’re actually 3.57 degrees apart. So does that mean Mark Zuckerberg is really a friend of a friend of a friend of a ‘kinda’ friend? Facebook hosted ‘Friends Day’ to celebrate their 12th birthday of which they announced information on…