Tag: malcolm turnbull

  • Justin Milne Steps Down as Chairman of the ABC

    Justin Milne Steps Down as Chairman of the ABC

    ABC Chairman, Justin Milne, has resigned this week amid claims of misconduct and unethical practice at work. The former chairman was accused of interfering with the broadcasting network’s editorial independence by conferring with then-Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, about staffing decisions. Milne reportedly urged managing director, Michelle Guthrie, to sack two senior journalists because the government…

  • Scott Morrison is Australia’s 30th Prime Minister

    Scott Morrison is Australia’s 30th Prime Minister

    After a week of backstabbing, resignations, and liberal spill after liberal spill, the nation finally has a Prime Minister. Scott Morrison has been confirmed as Australia’s 6th Prime Minister since 2007. Morrison takes over the position from Malcolm Turnbull, after yesterday pledging his support for the former PM before the media. In a party room meeting…

  • What We Missed While the Government Was in Lockdown

    What We Missed While the Government Was in Lockdown

    The country watched on yesterday with bated breath as a bloody battle for Prime Ministership was fought between Malcolm “the government I have led is a very effective one” Turnbull and Peter “The Prime Minister has my full support” Dutton. In the meantime, however, much larger domestic and international issues have occurred, and have been…

  • Australians React With Fatalistic Humour Toward The #Libspill

    Australians React With Fatalistic Humour Toward The #Libspill

    Last Tuesday the 21st of August, the Minister for Home Affairs, Peter Dutton, challenged the leadership role of the current prime minister Malcolm Turnbull. The leadership challenge lasted less than an hour and saw Turnbull winning with 48 votes over Dutton’s 35. The prospect of suddenly having Dutton as the new PM shook many Australians. In…

  • Malcolm Turnbull in delayed meeting with Donald Trump

    Malcolm Turnbull in delayed meeting with Donald Trump

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is finally meeting with US President Donald Trump this morning, after an intended meeting yesterday was delayed due to Trump’s occupation with his renewed healthcare bill. Mr Trump chose to remain in Washington last night instead of travelling to New York to meet with Mr Turnbull as he oversaw the passage…

  • US Vice President Mike Pence to meet with Turnbull

    US Vice President Mike Pence to meet with Turnbull

    United States Vice President Mike Pence will meet with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and other government figures when he visits Australia as part of a Pacific goodwill tour next month. Pence will meet with Turnbull, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, and Foreign Minister Julia Bishop on April 22nd as Pence seeks to heal the damage done…

  • Turnbull rejects calls to bail out Hazelwood

    Turnbull rejects calls to bail out Hazelwood

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has emphatically turned down a call from Tony Abbott to stay the closure of Hazelwood power station in order to prevent the worsening of the impending energy crisis. Former Prime Minister Abbott has publicly urged current Prime Minister Turnbull to rethink the planned closure of the Gippsland-based power station in Victoria, warning that…

  • NAB interest rate rise is causing outrage

    NAB interest rate rise is causing outrage

    The National Australia Bank (NAB) is receiving heavy criticism for its decision to raise its interest rates yesterday, just hours after the US Federal Reserve raised its interest rates. The NAB raised its residential investment home loan variable rate by 25 basis points from 5.55% to 5.8% per annum. They also raised their standard variable rate for owner-occupiers…

  • Malcolm Turnbull calls for unified effort on energy crisis

    Malcolm Turnbull calls for unified effort on energy crisis

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has called for a unified approach to the energy shortages threatening Australia, dismissing Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett’s proposal for unilateral federal control over the issue. Mr Turnbull told the Seven Network that while Mr Kennett may see the value in the Federal Government taking the lead on energy shortages, it was…

  • Government prepares $2bn Snowy Hydro expansion

    Government prepares $2bn Snowy Hydro expansion

    The Federal Government will today unveil a plan for a $2 billion expansion of the Snowy Hydro electric scheme in order to stave off the impending energy crisis on Australia’s east coast. This expansion is set to increase the output of the hydroelectric power scheme by up to 50%. The move which is being heralded…