Tag: investor

  • WATCH: “Becoming Warren Buffett” trailer

    WATCH: “Becoming Warren Buffett” trailer

    Warren Buffett is a household name as one of the world’s most successful and respected billionaires, yet he has got another achievement to add to his already very lengthy list. ON 30 January, HBO will air a documentary on the legendary investor. The documentary, “Becoming Warren Buffett”, will tell the story of Buffett’s life mostly…

  • Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App has revolutionised the business, economic and technology industry as we know it. In just fourteen hours, it became the most downloaded app and already generates a daily revenue of $1.6 millionUSD. In fact, across both iOS and Android, the game has more than 7.5 million downloads in the US alone.  It’s a big…

  • Are the scare tactics regarding Labor’s housing policy too much?

    Are the scare tactics regarding Labor’s housing policy too much?

    Labor’s policy certainly moves in the direction of reducing the appeal of tax breaks for future investors who purchase established properties. It does so by removing the ability for new investors to claim losses on their rental properties as an offset to their taxable income, known as “negative gearing”. It also halves the tax discount on…

  • 5 tips to get investors for your business

    5 tips to get investors for your business

    Your startup is going well so far but it’s time to expand and the only way to do that is get investors involved. You might have the best business in the world but without the right approach it’s still easy to get knocked back. A well-honed plan can go a long way in successfully convincing…