Tag: instagram

  • How Instagram is changing the book marketing game

    How Instagram is changing the book marketing game

      Instagram has quickly become a crucial advertising platform for many industries, from beauty to lifestyle to films. While sponsored advertisements are common, what is particularly unique about advertising on Instagram is the use of ‘influencers’ who have a high level of trust and influence (hence the name) amongst their audience. When one thinks of…

  • Garage business goes global thanks to Social Media

    Garage business goes global thanks to Social Media

    Sydney jewellery maker Nikita Majajas says she wouldn’t be in business without social media. The one-woman enterprise credits Instagram for transforming the designs crafted in her garage into a global brand. Doodad + Fandango founder Ms Majajas will share insights, tips and online marketing experiences on how to be an online success at the City…

  • Facebook’s executive Adam Mosseri taking over reigns for Instagram

    Facebook’s executive Adam Mosseri taking over reigns for Instagram

    Facebook’s own executive Adam Mosseri will be taking over the reigns for Instagram, as co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger announced they were stepping down. According to several sources, the original creators had become fed up with Zuckerberg’s increased control and worried about integration with the Facebook platform. But as a consequence of their resignation,…

  • Instagram Introduces Shopping Via Stories

    Instagram Introduces Shopping Via Stories

    Instagram has announced a global roll out of its new shopping features in stories and the explore feed. This update will allow users to be directly linked from stories via a “tap to shop” icon, along with a new personalised channel in the explore page for shopping. This shopping feature comes from previous feature of…

  • Keep it Cleaner Founders on the Ball with New Product Release

    Keep it Cleaner Founders on the Ball with New Product Release

    Starting a business is no easy feat. It takes time, funds and a tonne of self-believe to even produce a business idea. But two Melbourne-based models have made it happen, and are kicking goals every day. Having amassed almost 2 million Instagram followers between the two of them, Keep it Cleaner founders Laura Henshaw and…

  • Instagram to test new feature that allows users to shop online

    Instagram to test new feature that allows users to shop online

    The social media platform Instagram will introduce a new feature next week that allows users to shop through their news feed. The function will be called ‘Shop Now’ and will be made available in the US. Users will be able to shop from over 20 brands including Kate Spade, JackThreads and Warby Parker, which will show an in-depth…

  • Facebook smashes second quarter earnings

    Facebook smashes second quarter earnings

    According to Business Insider, Facebook just smashed its 2nd quarter earnings for April to June. The company delivered a 59% increase that blew past Wall Street targets and sent its shares rocketing up 8% to a new all time high. Facebook has however cautioned investors that it doesn’t expect as much growth in the coming quarters,…

  • Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App has revolutionised the business, economic and technology industry as we know it. In just fourteen hours, it became the most downloaded app and already generates a daily revenue of $1.6 millionUSD. In fact, across both iOS and Android, the game has more than 7.5 million downloads in the US alone.  It’s a big…

  • Instagram videos extended up to 60 seconds

    Instagram videos extended up to 60 seconds

    If you’re currently struggling to condense the amazement of what your business has to offer in just 15 seconds, then looks like Instagram might be here to the rescue. Since introducing video sharing in June 2013, the platform has limited users to a 15 second time frame. As part of their continue commitment, the social…

  • Instagram becoming like Facebook

    Instagram becoming like Facebook

    Your Instagram feed might soon look a lot like your Facebook one. In an Instagram blog post this morning, they announced that to improve your experience, they hope to change the feed by showing the moments they believe you will care about the most. Currently, Instagram posts are in reverse-chronological order but similarly to Facebook this…