Tag: great barrier reef

  • Great Barrier Reef under threat

    Great Barrier Reef under threat

    Australia’s iconic tourist attraction The Great Barrier reef could be history if temperatures continue to rise. Prominent Marine Scientist and Professor, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, believes with 99 percent certainty that anthropogenic climate change is driving this. Mass coral bleaching is having a detrimental impact on coral, combined with fossil fuels. Over 1000 kilometres of reef have been…

  • Turnbull pledges to help protect the Great Barrier Reef

    Turnbull pledges to help protect the Great Barrier Reef

    Climate change has significantly damaged our beloved Great Barrier Reef and it’s time to do something about it. The Coalition have pledged to grant $1 billion to help protect the Reef’s coral bleaching and improvement on water quality. With United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) placing the Reef on the endangered list, serious action…

  • The Great Barrier reef is dying, and we should care.

    The Great Barrier reef is dying, and we should care.

    With the federal election getting closer every day, certain issues which continue to be forgotten are brought to the forefront of Australia’s attention. The terrible treatment subsequent destruction of the Great Barrier Reef is one of those issues, and a recent video advert is urging Australians to ‘Vote for the Reef’ on July 2nd. A…