Tag: Fuel

  • Petrol prices soar

    Petrol prices soar

    Petrol prices are soaring throughout Australia, with reported rises of as much as 20 cents a litre in some areas. It is expected that $1.40 per litre for unleaded petrol will be the benchmark for this month. Figures from the Australian Institute for Petroleum show that the national average price rose 2.2 cents this past…

  • Claiming Tax deductions correctly to the ATO

    Claiming Tax deductions correctly to the ATO

    It’s that time of year again when people will be claiming usage on mobile phones, for petrol, work related travel expenses etc. In the past, there have been claims inappropriately added for ATO. Many have claimed broadband, phone and travel usage when it was in fact for personal use only. Most claim 90% as work related…

  • Fuel Giveaway Brings Traffic to a Standstill.

    Fuel Giveaway Brings Traffic to a Standstill.

    E10 unleaded fuel dropped to a record 0 cents per litre at Fyshwick in Canberra earlier today, prompting motorists to queue for hours in the hopes of snagging a bargain. Although it seems highly incredulous, this was an intentional move from the Metro Petroleum on Barrier Street, with the special price deliberately timed to generate…