Tag: federal election 2016

  • The Great Barrier reef is dying, and we should care.

    The Great Barrier reef is dying, and we should care.

    With the federal election getting closer every day, certain issues which continue to be forgotten are brought to the forefront of Australia’s attention. The terrible treatment subsequent destruction of the Great Barrier Reef is one of those issues, and a recent video advert is urging Australians to ‘Vote for the Reef’ on July 2nd. A…

  • Turnbull chased around Westfield by a cardboard cutout of Abbott

    Turnbull chased around Westfield by a cardboard cutout of Abbott

    Ah, the Chaser’s. It feels like we haven’t heard from them in a while, but they popped up again, this time to follow our new Prime Minister around Penrith Westfield, armed with a cardboard cutout of our old Prime Minister. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACx7Dtbcu-Q   Later, Chas met Malcolm outside and surprised him with a trust fall, which…