Tag: facebook

  • Facebook original content to compete with Netflix

    Facebook original content to compete with Netflix

    Facebook has this week indicated that it plans to start buying and producing it’s own video content to stream through it’s video platform. Instead of continuing in the tradition of social network companies and relying on others to produce content, Facebook will explore airing original content. The social media giant is considering buying and producing its…

  • Who are the 5 Richest People in the World Right Now?

    Who are the 5 Richest People in the World Right Now?

    From a University drop out to the founder of the World’s largest fashion retailer, we have a look at the top 5 Richest People in the World as listed by Forbes Magazine in real time and what got them to where they are today. 1: Bill Gates Real Time Net Worth: $81.8 Billion Age: 61 years old Source…

  • Twitter fires Head of VR after only a day of employment

    Twitter fires Head of VR after only a day of employment

    On October 18th, Twitter hired Gregory Gopman to assist in leading the company’s VR initiatives as the role of project manager. Gopman was then fired the next day due to a Facebook post dating back to 2013. The post in question included Gopman’s attitude to the homeless living in San Francisco. Gopman used the term “degenerates” to describe the…

  • Masters getting more backlash on end days

    Masters getting more backlash on end days

    With customers hoping to get a good bargain at the closing down sale for Masters, they are actually getting rude customer service and seeing staff left to fend for themselves in the heavy rain. The retailer is looking to sell more than $700 million worth of stock in time for their doors to close on…

  • Google’s plan to stop ISIS recruits

    Google’s plan to stop ISIS recruits

    A multinational technology company that has built up a profit of over $1b has now invested their time and money into making a program that detects any anti-social behaviour relating to the very controversial terrorist group, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant AKA ISIS. Google’s tech program, Jigsaw which was originally used to reduce hackers,…

  • Facebook is lowering the manipulation in your news consumption

    Facebook is lowering the manipulation in your news consumption

    While tailored content has several benefits of being a more personalised experience for an individual, in the case of news this can hinder and prevent you from gaining more varying perspectives and sources of information. After controversy following claims that Facebook’s news curators were deliberately omitting stores from politically conservative outlets, Facebook has come out saying that…

  • Facebook smashes second quarter earnings

    Facebook smashes second quarter earnings

    According to Business Insider, Facebook just smashed its 2nd quarter earnings for April to June. The company delivered a 59% increase that blew past Wall Street targets and sent its shares rocketing up 8% to a new all time high. Facebook has however cautioned investors that it doesn’t expect as much growth in the coming quarters,…

  • 7 vicious habits to break for productivity at work

    7 vicious habits to break for productivity at work

    If you want to keep your job you’re going to have to make sure you’re doing the right thing. Bad behaviour can affect the relationships you have with your boss and colleagues and you want to make sure you’re in their good books. You can easily break any bad habits by concentrating on tasks and definitely keeping…

  • People are spending more time on Pokémon Go than Facebook and Snapchat

    People are spending more time on Pokémon Go than Facebook and Snapchat

    Analytics company 7park Data says that users spent an average of 75 minutes in the app during its first week of release. In addition, Pokémon Go users continues to spend around 35 minutes on the Facebook app, 19 minutes on YouTube and about 9 minutes on Snapchat on a daily basis. “Total US time spent…

  • Fast food joints in strife

    Fast food joints in strife

    With the latest news about Eagle Boy’s maybe shutting down its doors, McDonalds and KFC are not doing any better with profits slowly plummeting. The days of the Whopper, Big Mac and Zinger are being threatened seriously by the changing tastes of the nation. There is a new cool kid on the block- gourmet food. It…