Tag: facebook

  • Meta’s Shutting Down its ‘Creator Studio’ Page Management App

    Meta’s Shutting Down its ‘Creator Studio’ Page Management App

    Do you use Facebook’s Creator Studio, its video-focused Page management platform, which has become the default for many social media managers for scheduling Page content? Well soon, it will be no more, with Meta pushing Creator Studio users across to its Business Suite platform instead, which incorporates analytics, scheduling and messaging into a new management…

  • Facebook Blocks Australian-Owned News

    Facebook Blocks Australian-Owned News

    Facebook has made international headlines again today after a controversial block on Australian-owned news sources. The decision serves as the conclusion to a heated stand-off between the tech giant and federal government earlier this week. What exactly happened, and why? The Australian government and media organisations are demanding a higher rate of renumeration for advertising…

  • Facebook’s executive Adam Mosseri taking over reigns for Instagram

    Facebook’s executive Adam Mosseri taking over reigns for Instagram

    Facebook’s own executive Adam Mosseri will be taking over the reigns for Instagram, as co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger announced they were stepping down. According to several sources, the original creators had become fed up with Zuckerberg’s increased control and worried about integration with the Facebook platform. But as a consequence of their resignation,…

  • The Platform of Scandals: Facebook’s Discriminatory Advertising

    The Platform of Scandals: Facebook’s Discriminatory Advertising

    Facebook sure is having a bad moment. First we were confronted with the shocking revelation of privacy infringement in the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Not only did it lead to a trial for Mark Zuckerberg, but the social media giant underwent massive losses in its followers. Set to lose 2.1 million users in the US alone,…

  • EU Parliament Passed A Copyright Law Which Could Change The Internet

    EU Parliament Passed A Copyright Law Which Could Change The Internet

    The European Parliament has passed a copyright law where filtering systems are placed on the internet to block copyrighted content, which could be catastrophic not only for platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, but also the future of the internet itself. While creative producers are applauding the fact that this law has passed, many high-profile…

  • Market Value Losses and Dropping User Rates: What Does it All Mean?

    Market Value Losses and Dropping User Rates: What Does it All Mean?

    Social media site Facebook has seen the biggest plunge in their market value to date, decreasing by approximately 20%, and $120 billion USD. This is the largest decrease in market value within 24 hours by any US company. But what does this mean for Facebook users? Will Facebook fall down the same hole as MySpace…

  • Eddie McGuire Vows to Go After Facebook

    Eddie McGuire Vows to Go After Facebook

    Eddie McGuire has vowed to undergo a legal battle with Facebook after a spoof ad promoting erectile dysfunction medication circulated social media. A fake advertisement created by Tryvexan, an erectile dysfunction treatment available to purchase online, crafted this spoof campaign attempting to appear as an online article by well known publication GQ. The article featured…

  • Tech Giant IBM Needs Giant Turn Around

    Tech Giant IBM Needs Giant Turn Around

    This month’s quarterly financial results reveal the slow decline of IBM under current CEO Ginni Rometti. What was once one of America’s leading companies and most powerful corporations, is now seeing a flatlining failed attempt to increase revenue since peaking in 2011 at £107bn. The good news is that revenues grew for the second quarter…

  • Mark Zuckerberg Addresses the Cambridge Analytica Scandal

    Mark Zuckerberg Addresses the Cambridge Analytica Scandal

    Mark Zuckerberg is currently under fire following the revelations of Facebook’s involvement with Cambridge Analytica—a voter profiling company. It came to light on the 17th of March that Facebook released the personal information of 50 million users ahead of Trump’s 2016 election without permission via a personality app called ‘This Is Your Digital Life’, created…

  • Facebook announces steps to tackle terrorism

    Facebook announces steps to tackle terrorism

    Facebook has announced it will start implementing measures to combat online terrorism and filter out extremist content on its networks, following pressure from international governments for more to be done to protect online safety. The social media giant has said that it will be using artificial intelligence to scour its websites and spot text, images,…