Tag: bill shorten

  • Same-sex marriage plebiscite blocked by Labor

    Same-sex marriage plebiscite blocked by Labor

    Yesterday the Labor Party announced their opposition to the same-sex plebiscite and their plans to block the $200 million bill. With Labor leader Bill Shorten announcing at the Canberra press conference his Party’s support for a free vote on marriage equality in Parliament. The Labor Leader explained why the party would oppose the plebiscite, “We’ve listened to the experts,…

  • So what happens now: Post-election?

    So what happens now: Post-election?

    It has been a rough couple of days for Coalition leader, Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader, Bill Shorten. With no result on Saturday night about the winner and statistics coming back a quarter of voters chose the Independent parties first, this could be a good change for a stable political environment. The Liberal government are struggling…

  • Malcolm Turnbull announces federal election

    Malcolm Turnbull announces federal election

    The past few years of Australian politics hasn’t been the most stable, with four leaders being in power in just a two year span. Following his election as Prime Minister last September, Turnbull hasn’t done much in terms of policy, largely as a result of the conflicts within government which don’t allow much moving space…

  • Shorten’s take on the 2016 budget

    Shorten’s take on the 2016 budget

    Opposition leader Bill Shorten has recently provided a rebuttal against Turnbull’s proposed 2016 budget as announced this week. Shorten did not hold back in his criticisms of the current prime minister, claiming that the PM’s budget caters only to the top few or, as Shorten puts it, “Malcolm’s Millionares”. According to Shorten, this budget prioritises big…