Tag: Android

  • New Blackberry phone details

    New Blackberry phone details

    New year, new Blackberry phone. The smartphone company have decided to release a new but classic take on their iconic phones in 2017. Once pioneers in the smartphone industry, Blackberry has taken a backseat in recent years as Apple has dominated. Sleek designs and easier interfaces from Apple meant that the general public had no…

  • Disposable phone chargers a real thing

    Disposable phone chargers a real thing

    ‘Juice’ is the first disposable and portable phone charger that can charge any smartphone, anytime and anywhere. Hani Jouaji, a visual designer was born in Syria and created his industry in England. The battery can fit in your wallet, purse or even your pocket. It can charge your phone from 0-40%, coming in Android and IOS.…

  • Google’s Emergency Location Service will save lives

    Google’s Emergency Location Service will save lives

    Over 70% of emergency calls come from mobile phones (Google Europe Blog, 2016). Time is of the essence and Google has tapped into this by creating an app titled Emergency Location Service. Instead of manually specifying your location, the app uses data from your phone like GPS, network and WiFi location to work out where you are. When you call…

  • Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App paves way for virtual and augmented reality

    Pokemon GO App has revolutionised the business, economic and technology industry as we know it. In just fourteen hours, it became the most downloaded app and already generates a daily revenue of $1.6 millionUSD. In fact, across both iOS and Android, the game has more than 7.5 million downloads in the US alone.  It’s a big…

  • Googles New Android System

    Googles New Android System

    Google is showcasing its new android operating system two months ahead of schedule to boost its reachability to more devices. It will initially only work on a select set of phones and tablets before expanding its reach. The software now referred to as Android N offers a split screen interface capability much like the one…

  • Everything you need to know about Gmailify

    Everything you need to know about Gmailify

    The Gmail android app has always allowed everyone to manage other mail (Outlook, Yahoo) accounts but could they could never take full advantage of Gmail features. In Google’s attempt to conquer the world (get more customers) they have now happily informed that with the introduction of Gmailify they are now able to access Google’s well-known spam protection, inbox organisation, Google…

  • You’ve Got Mail: Android Malware Erases Phone via Text

    You’ve Got Mail: Android Malware Erases Phone via Text

    In the wake of this weeks iPhone ‘Retro bug’ debacle, a new virus is now haphazardly sweeping through Android phones. The Malware, dubbed Mazar, spreads via a single text message containing a multimedia link. If the user clicks the link within the SMS, the malware downloads under the guise of Tor Software. Once installed, the virus…

  • Google realises they shouldn’t have removed ad blockers

    Google realises they shouldn’t have removed ad blockers

    Things got a bit awkward at Google over a single app and here’s why: Jan 29 – Adblock Fast becomes available to download on the Play Store which like its title says, is a very fast ad-blocking app. Feb 2 – It hit Google’s top spot for free, new productivity apps and is then removed by…

  • Is Facebook Chewing up your Battery Life?

    Is Facebook Chewing up your Battery Life?

    Facebook has once again been slammed for its applications seemingly detrimental impact upon Smartphones functioning and battery life. Fresh accusations raised by Android users claim that the Facebook app disproportionately drains phones batteries and affects the phones overall processing speed and capabilities. Just last year, iOS users lamented over similar complaints, with criticisms widely reporting…