Rodney Adler and Australian Venture Capital, taking start-ups like Cashflow It to new heights.

Venture Capital in Australia is at an all-time high and success in this area is not an easy feat. Rodney Adler was a key investor in Cashflow It his tailored approach to this venture capital investment has paved the way to their growth and ultimate business success.

Cashflow It is an equipment finance company that specialises in franchising. They offer competitive funding solutions that assist in growing their client’s franchises. Founded by James Scurr from his kitchen over five years ago and receiving venture capital support in the form of advice and much needed funds from well-known entrepreneur Rodney Adler, the business has boomed.

The funding solution strategies of Cashflow It target small companies through to large retail chains and cover everything from small business loans to franchise financing all the way through to hospitality and commercial equipment funding. Essentially, the overriding objective is to cash flow the purchase of capital equipment rather than tying up money in depreciating assets.

From a standing start, the company now has a $50 million book of loans and has managed to secure a joint venture relationship with Thorn Group, a finance service provider, who provide back-office support and a wholesale facility line to Cashflow It.

It is very rare for a start-up to form a strategic alliance with a major player in the market, as is the case with Cashflow It and Thorn Group.  This partnership came as a direct result of the expertise of Cashflow It’s management team and the involvement of Rodney Adler and his skillset in this area.

With the management skill set of James Scurr and his team and the appropriate structure and financial base as designed by Rodney, the management team were able to take Cashflow It to the Australian marketplace and build the brand that is now considered to be one of Australia’s leading finance companies in its field.

Rodney Adler was introduced to James via a mutual friend who brought the parties together knowing of Rodney’s expertise in the finance industry and needing someone that could see the vision and potential profitability of the business. James mentioned “capital is always a precious commodity in the early stages of a start-up. Rodney’s investment allowed us to get the infrastructure required to start scaling the business”. 

Rodney believed in the abilities of the team at Cashflow It, to build a strong and prosperous company and continues to play a major role in supporting the success of the brand and by being an advisor to the board. The board meets regularly to discuss the results of the business and to work on future growth and direction.

James had an illustrious career at several finance houses and Rodney saw that under-utilised potential. The Cashflow It group pride themselves in their ability to listen to the needs of clients and as a result develop customised finance products. When asked what James loves most about working in this field he said, “that we play a significant part in helping people to start their franchise business”.

Ultimately the future of Cashflow It definitely looks bright. With such great business minds behind the brand and their unique offering Cashflow It provides to its clients, the company is sure to achieve great things in coming years. From a Venture Capital perspective Rodney, is now (as are all shareholders) receiving dividend income and it will not be long until the entire original investment will have been returned.

If you are looking for business franchise or equipment finance, contact the team at Cashflow It and find out more about what they can do for you.






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