You and your pooch can now ride in style with the launch of Uber Pet!

Ever looked outside your Uber’s window, praying to the carpool gods that your driver doesn’t try to start a conversation, hoping they decide to play something other than talk-back radio, and lament about the fur child you’ve left behind at home as you embark on a day out?

Well my friends, you shall lament no more.

As if everyone’s favourite ride-share app couldn’t get any cooler, Uber has announced the newest feature of its wildly popular services: Uber Pet!

Starting today, lucky Sydneysiders and Brisbanians will be able to share their fare with their beloved furry friends (although we’d suggest covering the charges, as it’s most likely your pooch won’t be as willing to fare split as your previous cab mates).

Uber Pet will currently run in Brisbane and Sydney on a trial-basis, with riders being charged an increased fare of $6-$7 to bring their pet along for the ride – a small price to pay for some loyal companionship on your drive!

We are yet to be informed about whether these services will expand Australia-wide or on how long the trial will be available, so pet lovers in both cities should make good on their promises to taking their fur babies to the dog park, vet and pet-friendly pubs while they can!

Uber would like to remind riders that all services are and always have been service animal friendly, with this new feature being launched for all pets.


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