Pandemic panic as Coronavirus spreads through Italy

Europe has now reported its first cases of Coronavirus in Spain, Greece, Croatia, Austria, Norway, and Switzerland. They are all believed to have contracted the virus through contact with Italy. 


On Wednesday, Italy confirmed 400 cases of the virus, with a total of 12 deaths.  The virus is believed to have spread from an unnamed hospital in the Lombardy region of Italy. A cluster of 212 cases were reported in the nearby towns, with 3 in Sicily and few other cases dotted around the country. 

Source: Miguel Medina/AFP

There was cause for alarm as the rate cases increased rapidly since Tuesday evening with an extra 80 reported cases. Yet, the Italian government ensures containment of the disease. So far, the government has called for public events to be cancelled, universities to close, and even local gyms to be shut down. It has also placed a total travel ban to and from China. 


Italy has received criticism on their travel ban, as it only included flights. Due to Italy’s position in the Schengen region, populations can still travel between borders by car, train, or bus. 

There are claims the unnamed hospital did not follow necessary procedures to prevent the outbreak. It is alleged only on the patients 3rd hospital visit was he tested for Coronavirus, despite him displaying typical virus symptoms. Italian President Guiseppe Conte admits,

“there has been a management of the hospital not entirely proper according to prudent protocols, which are recommended in these cases, and this has certainly contributed to the spread,” 

Source: Schengen Visa Info

Now, the exposed nurses, doctors, and hospital workers, have all been infected. The man has also infected his pregnant wife. 


There are concerns that the spread in Europe will cause mass pandemic due to Europe’s open borders.


But President Conte is hopeful,


“I cannot say that I am not worried, I don’t want anyone to think that we are underestimating this emergency. But I can say that with the measures we have enforced, I am faithful that we will have a containment effect in the coming days,” he said in a SKY TG4 interview on Tuesday. 


People are now banned from leaving or entering the affected areas in Italy. 


Some Coronavirus Info 

  • Coronavirus has infected over 84,000 people, resulting in almost 3,000 deaths. 
  • Most cases are contained to China 
  • Iran has just declared its first virus cases
  • Australia is on the brink of developing a Coronavirus vaccine 
  • Highest risk poses to the elderly, children, and people with illnesses like asthma 
  • The outbreak is on a steady decline in China



