Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Bill Shorten takes to parliament in bid to pass same-sex marriage bill
Labor party leader, Bill Shorten has introduced new legislation to parliament with an aim to legalise same-sex marriage. This movement from the opposition has come after criticism to the coalition’s original plans to run a plebiscite over the issue. https://twitter.com/workmanalice/status/775124115787173892 The proposed plebiscite which would entice a national vote, means that there will potentially be nationally funded…
Foxtel announces new rival to Netflix
Move over Netflix and Stan – it seems there will be a new and improved streaming giant on the market come December. Foxtel has been forced to give their existing streaming service, Foxtel Play a complete overhaul in light of “intense competition” with other streaming services. They will soon be offering no-contract and equipment-free packages that are significantly…
Horror of owning a Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Samsung has told owners of the new Galaxy Note 7 to return their phone back to the factory as the whole line has been recalled due to it exploding when being charged. A New York Times reporter tweeted that no Galaxy Notes must be used on the airline as they have been recalled and could…
How to boost your LinkedIn Profile
In a highly competitive job market, it’s easy for your skills and abilities to be lost amongst the thousands of other highly qualified applicants. Known as a professional Facebook, LinkedIn is a way for a potential employer to gain a more personal insight into the type of person you are and what you can offer to…
Samsung’s new smart fridge
Some of the products at this years IFA Trade Show in the US, may launch by the end of this year in Australia including a smart fridge. The family-friendly fridge has a heap of tech-savvy gadgets that make is a must-buy this christmas. Samsung Australia said the Family Hub refrigerator features three connected cameras that let…
Let’s say goodbye to the Opal card incentives
The NSW government has farewelled the eighth trip free for customers using an Opal card. This change was debated a lot with customers and now the state government have finally bid farewell to it. From 5 September 2016, eight or more opal journeys will be given half price every time they tap on and off…
Gift Idea for Star Wars fans: Fathers Day edition
Father’s day is just around the corner and everyone is quickly scurrying around trying to find something, why not buy him some Star Wars Merchandise he will enjoy, such as: wristbands, Star Wars toasters and R2-D2 popcorn machines. BB-8 Wrist Band BB-8 in the Star Wars universe is the most popular toy and character in…
5 Tips To Help You Stay Healthy At Work
We all want to do the best we can to look after ourselves and stay in shape but sometimes there are simply not enough hours in the day. Working five days a week with early starts and late nights doesn’t exactly leave you with enough time to exercise and can hinder your ability to make healthy…
Internet celebrates 25th year anniversary
It’s hard to imagine a world without the World Wide Web, but in reality it hasn’t been that long since it was invented. In fact, last week commemorated the 25th anniversary of the Internet going live for the very first time. While the concept was first announced on 6 August 1991, the web wasn’t released to the…
ICAC report hands down it’s findings
The ICAC inquiry found several former NSW Liberal politicians and prominent businessmen had acted with the intention to evade political donation laws in 2011. The findings were released yesterday, after almost two years of investigation into the Liberal donations, with recommended charges to be laid against former Liberal minister Chris Hartcher, current MP and former police minister Mike Gallacher and…
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