Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Information Released about Children Euthanised in Belgium

    Information Released about Children Euthanised in Belgium

    It has been revealed this week that 2 minors in Belgium were euthanised in 2016 and 2017. The 9-year-old child was suffering from an aggressive brain tumour, while the 11-year-old had cystic fibrosis. The terminally ill children have become the youngest people in the world to be euthanised. Both children had to undergo intensive testing…

  • Teeth Whitening giants discuss their successes at AdWeek

    Teeth Whitening giants discuss their successes at AdWeek

    If you’ve got an Instagram or Snapchat account, you would have definitely seen and heard about the teeth whitening brand taking over the world, HiSmile. HiSmile is an Aussie owned brand, pioneered by two blokes based in the Gold Coast. The two co-founders Nik Mirkovic and Alex Tomic spoke on ‘The Impact of Creativity’ panel…

  • Major News Networks Join the Force to Help Farmers

    Major News Networks Join the Force to Help Farmers

    The Seven and Nine Networks have joined efforts to assist struggling Aussie farmers this week. An onslaught of comments on Facebook and Twitter encouraged them to contribute money to farmers who are experiencing a record low rainfall count and deadly drought. The networks have announced multiple different initiatives to assist the cause. Nicole Conley kickstarted…

  • Jeans for Genes Day: Not Just Another Excuse to Wear Jeans to Work

    Jeans for Genes Day: Not Just Another Excuse to Wear Jeans to Work

    Today is Jeans for Genes Day, and it is probably one of the most anticipated days of the year for Australians. This may be because it gives us an excuse to wear jeans instead of stiff work clothes. The charity in charge, the Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI), tends to fly under the radar despite…

  • Food for Thought: Melbourne Man Makes Lunch for Hungry Kids

    Food for Thought: Melbourne Man Makes Lunch for Hungry Kids

    Eat Up Australia is a Melbourne-based organisation that makes lunches for primary school students in tough financial and social circumstances. The organisation, run by Lyndon Galea from Shepparton, has been making the rounds to primary schools around Melbourne. The team plans to expand across Australia in the coming months. Galea began the business in 2012,…

  • Coles Backflips On Reusable Plastic Bag Decision

    Coles Backflips On Reusable Plastic Bag Decision

    Despite Coles initial pledge to phase out the single-use plastic bags that take years to break down, they have since reversed their decision in order to appease a small vocal portion of angry customers. The bags would have been gone by July 1, instead they will now be sticking around and Coles will be advocating…

  • Instagram Queen Kayla Itsines Hits Advertising Week

    Instagram Queen Kayla Itsines Hits Advertising Week

    You’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t heard of Aussie workout queen, Kayla Itsines. When the name Kayla Itsines was mentioned a few years ago, the first things that would come to mind were fitness fanatic & Bikini Body Guides. Through years of personal training, educating women and absolutely grinding her way through the health…

  • Advertising Week Set to be the Best Yet

    Advertising Week Set to be the Best Yet

    Today sees the return of the largest global advertising event, Advertising Week APAC, and it’s set to be the best yet. Taking place at Luna Park, Sydney, the event will address a wide range of hot topics currently challenging the industry. Marketing leaders and advertising gurus will team up to discuss the importance of diversity,…

  • Market Value Losses and Dropping User Rates: What Does it All Mean?

    Market Value Losses and Dropping User Rates: What Does it All Mean?

    Social media site Facebook has seen the biggest plunge in their market value to date, decreasing by approximately 20%, and $120 billion USD. This is the largest decrease in market value within 24 hours by any US company. But what does this mean for Facebook users? Will Facebook fall down the same hole as MySpace…

  • 50 Years After Moon Landing: What’s Changed and What Hasn’t?

    50 Years After Moon Landing: What’s Changed and What Hasn’t?

    A year’s worth of celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing have begun this month. In light of this significant milestone, people are calling to attention the dramatic changes that have occurred within NASA, and globally, since that first expedition. The impacts of the lunar landing have gone above and beyond what…

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