Must Know Video Marketing Statistics

Must Know Video Marketing Stats for 2021

Video marketing is quickly becoming the new norm in brand advertising. From the simple effectiveness of visual imagery, to the viral opportunities granted from having significantly digestible content, the potential of marketing campaigns has skyrocketed. At Australia Business News, we take a look at the top 10 video marketing statistics that will inform your strategic decisions and help your business grow.


1. 43% of companies recorded less product support calls after implementing video marketing.

If there’s one statistic that can prove video marketing is an informative and trust-building investment, this might be it. Overall, 94% of marketers feel that video marketing increases the customers’ understanding of their product or service.


2. 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support.

Extensive research shows that people are more likely to pay attention to video content than any other medium. Consumers also have a higher tendency to skip parts of audio or written content. If you want to capture and maintain your customers’ attention, video is the way to go.


3. Video marketers earn 66% more qualified leads per year.

Not only that, video marketing campaigns generate a 54% increase in brand awareness compared to other styles of campaigns.

Furthermore, 93% of marketers claim to have earned new customers from social media videos, thanks to the unique quality of education and trust provided through the format and its interactive visuals.


4. 73% of buyers are influenced by a brand’s social media presence.

Video content is rapidly increasing across all social media platforms, and is now the preferred medium for viewing brands. Instagram in particular is on track to becoming the fastest-growing platform to use video content as a means of driving sales.


5. 8 out of 10 people have purchased a piece of software or app after watching a brand’s video.

Studies have also shown that 96% of buyers turn to videos to learn more about a product or service before buying. This is largely due to the fact that video can present evidence of the quality and usage of a product or service, as well as information in a more accessible, easy to digest format.


6. 82% of global internet traffic will come from video streaming and downloads in 2022.

This will see an 88% increase in traffic share from 2017, which came in at 72.3%.

Furthermore, while 56 exabytes of internet video was consumed on a monthly basis in 2017, 2022 is projecting more than four times that amount, with 240 exabytes per month on the horizon.

Even bigger than that, traffic from live internet videos will increase by 15 times the amount recorded in 2017 by 2022.


7. 84% of marketers say video marketing is effective for lead generation.

This is perhaps the most impressive change on our list, as last year’s research suggested that only 1% of marketers held this view.


8. 85% of all internet users in the U.S. watch online video content monthly.

Time spent watching video content weekly on smartphones is increasing. More video content is being watched now than ever before. Saudi Arabia and Turkey are ranking first in this race, with 95% of all internet users watching online video content on any device during any given month.

9. 87% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool.

More and more businesses are using video content as the core of their digital marketing strategies. It has proven to increase user engagement and improve brand trust overall.


10. 88% of video marketers are satisfied with the ROI from video marketing campaigns on social media.

88% of marketers have said they are satisfied with the ROI of video ads posted on social media. This is major change from 2015, when the record was a low 33%. The rapid increase is likely due to the fact that video technology and education around it, especially for online tracking, has improved. Marketers are increasingly using video content to boost sales, build brand awareness and trust, and inform current customers as well as source new ones. In short, the visual format has proven to be the most effective form of communication.


11. 88% of marketers are using YouTube

YouTube is the most popular video sharing platform for marketing in the world right now, with social media giant Facebook coming in second at 76% usage.

And while Instagram and Twitter might be the next most popular social media platforms overall, the third spot on the video marketing chart actually goes to LinkedIn, with 66% marketing usage in 2020 thanks to its recent video capabilities.


12. 93% of marketers who use video say that it’s an important part of their marketing strategy.

This is up from 92% in 2020, which was the highest percentage on record since 2015.


13. Internet users spent 6 hours and 48 minutes watching videos online in 2019.

The time people spend watching videos online is increasing. In particular, audiences under the age of 36 are spending more time watching videos online than on traditional broadcast mediums.

Overall, the global average for video consumption per day in 2020 was 100 minutes. China and Sweden already beat us to it in 2019, hitting 103 minutes per day.




