Instagram to test new feature that allows users to shop online

The social media platform Instagram will introduce a new feature next week that allows users to shop through their news feed. The function will be called ‘Shop Now’ and will be made available in the US. Users will be able to shop from over 20 brands including Kate Spade, JackThreads and Warby Parker, which will show an in-depth look to consumers about the product in order to gain more information in a short amount of time.

The selected brands will then feature a ‘tap to view products’ option, with the option to purchase the product being made entirely accessible and doable through Instagram. 

“Knowing that Instagrammers are open to discovery on the platform, and that people take time to better understand the products they’re interested in,” the company stated in blog post. “This test gives our community valuable steps along their shopping journey before they make a purchase. We want to understand how to deliver the most seamless shopping experience for consumers and businesses on Instagram, and ultimately mobile.”

There is no confirmation in terms of when the feature will be made available to Australian users, however, Instagram has made it clear that they are thinking of globally expanding the new feature.

“As we roll out further, we’ll explore product recommendations, ways products are showcased to shoppers, global expansion and the ability to save content so Instagrammers can take an action later,” Instagram explained.

The company then went on to state that they will not be taking any profit from the purchases made through the app as it currently has over 500,000 advertisers using the app.







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