Instagram Introduces Shopping Via Stories

Instagram has announced a global roll out of its new shopping features in stories and the explore feed. This update will allow users to be directly linked from stories via a “tap to shop” icon, along with a new personalised channel in the explore page for shopping.

This shopping feature comes from previous feature of direct links via Instagram posts which appeared in users’ regular feeds.

The news comes following a small scale test of the feature back in June. Instagram tested with brands like Adidas, Aritzia and Louis Vuitton.

Naomi Shepherd, a group industry director at Facebook ANZ said: “Today’s announcement of these new updates to Instagram opens up the world of window shopping to your mobile. You can now tap to find out more when you discover the perfect new summer dress in your Instagram stories.”

“Or, when you feel like a casual browse of your favourite brands, you can scroll the colourful world of the shopping channel in explore. Fashion is a vibrant part of our Instagram community, and it’s incredible to see how brands and businesses are using the platform to take their fans into their stores, into their workrooms, and behind the scenes at their fashion shows.”

Along with the announcement, Instagram revealed more than 90 million accounts now tap to reveal tags in the shopping posts every month.



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