Instagram becoming like Facebook

Your Instagram feed might soon look a lot like your Facebook one. In an Instagram blog post this morning, they announced that to improve your experience, they hope to change the feed by showing the moments they believe you will care about the most.

Currently, Instagram posts are in reverse-chronological order but similarly to Facebook this may shortly change to an order of what the app ‘thinks’ you’d be most interested in. To put this into perspective, Instagram revealed that people miss on average 70 per cent of their feeds. Instagram now has over 400 million users, so they are trying to make it easier and more customised for each individual user.

The new feed will be based on the likelihood you’ll be interested in the content, your relationship with the person posting and the timeliness of the post. Instagram has grown rapidly and so it’s important that if they want this to continue, they keep their users interested.

They announced that this new experience will arrive in the next coming months but they will definitely be taking their time to get it right.






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