Productivity apps

Habit Helping Apps

We all know breaking bad habits and getting into good ones is important, but that doesn’t make it any less difficult to do. The most productive and fulfilling life will be one with a good routine, so maintaining habits are the best way to reach your goals. These apps will streamline your habits, giving you the external guidance you need to be as successful as possible.

Habitseed by fluidmobile $0.99
For the visual among us, Habitseed will nurture your inner earthie so that you’re truly motivated to maintain your habits. Once you successfully complete 21 days with your new habit, the seed will blossom into a tree and you’ll feel accomplished with your new ingrained routine. Unfortunately, you can only have one goal at a time and all the goals are preloaded so you can’t personalise or add your own.

Credit: Screenshot
Credit: Screenshot

Google Calendar
Although Google Calendar has been around for a while, the goals feature is less than a month old. The bonus of this app is that its available across all platforms, and will integrate with your personal calendar to make sure you have time for certain goals. It cuts out the tediousness of finding time to complete a certain goal, instead automatically programming it into your routine.

Way of Life by Life ApS Free-$3.99 
Way of Life Habit Builder and Breaker is praised as being the ultimate app out there, but is currently only available on the Apple store. You can have multiple daily reminders, and it also visually tracks your progress so you can check back to see how you’re going. Its simplicity is its best feature, as it can give you exactly what you need with the least work. You can get a free version, but the high end one costs $3.99.

Credit: Screenshot
Credit: Screenshot

Habitica by HabitRPG
This app is ideal for those of us who get bored with life and habits, and end up straying from our goals because of it. Achievements are tracked as if they are part of a video game, and soon your life becomes your own little video game. It sort of disconnects you from your life so you can look at it objectively to see your progress and how you’re going.



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