Greg Hunt Named the Best in the World

The inaugural award for the ‘Best Minster in the World’ was awarded last night to Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt for his ongoing work with the Great Barrier Reef and in reducing carbon emissions.

The award was presented at the World Government Summit in Dubai and featured keynote addresses from the likes of US president Barak Obama, Yusef Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) and World Bank president Jim Yong Kim, amongst others.

The accolade aims to celebrate ministers who develop and carry out successful initiatives that benefit the citizens of the world. The candidates are judged upon their efforts towards innovation, leadership, impact and reputation, with an additional requirement stipulating that nominees be held in high esteem by each their peers and the general public.

Some have conveyed surprise at the choice of winner, namely; Greens leader Richard Di Natale, who took to twitter to express his thoughts on the matter.

image source: Twitter
image source: Twitter

During his time as Environment Minister Greg Hunt has been the center of controversy regarding (but not limited to) the abolition of the Carbon Tax in 2014 and his approval of the Abbot Point Coal Terminal in Northern Queensland; a move that proposed the dredging and dumping of 1.1 million cubic meters of sea bed in the vicinity of the highly endangered Great Barrier Reef.

It is reported that Minister Hunt was ‘genuinely humbled’ by the award however he reinforced its recognition of the countries’ collective efforts rather than his own.

image source: Twitter
image source: Twitter





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