Google realises they shouldn’t have removed ad blockers

Things got a bit awkward at Google over a single app and here’s why:

Jan 29Adblock Fast becomes available to download on the Play Store which like its title says, is a very fast ad-blocking app.
Feb 2 – It hit Google’s top spot for free, new productivity apps and is then removed by Google f claiming it violated section 4.4 of the Developer Distribution Agreement
Feb 9 – Guess who’s come back to play? That’s right, Adblock Fast is republished on the Play Store.

The app was restored after the developers, Rocketship successfully appealed – receiving the the news from Google “We’ve accepted your appeal and your app has been reinstated. For the app to appear on the Play Store, you’ll need to sign into your Developer Console and submit your app again.”

We get why Google wouldn’t want anything to obstruct their precious ads. Back in March 2013, ad-blocking apps were removed from the Play Store because Google’s developer distribution agreement states that apps cannot interfere with the functionality of other apps. However, Samsung wants these plugins to work with their browser.

If you want to block ads from your browsing experience, Adblock Fast is now available for download on your Samsung device on the Play Store.





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