Gladys Berejiklian Faces Further Scrutiny as ICAC Hearings Continue

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian faces another day of scrutiny as the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) hearings against disgraced former MP Daryl Maguire proceed for another day.

The premier has been caught up in the scandal after she revealed earlier this week that she had engaged in a “close personal relationship” with the former MP.

It is alleged that the premier was aware of Maguire’s personal interests in land deals, most notably a deal with Louise Waterhouse in regards to land located near the future Badgerys Creek Airport.

Berejiklian’s involvement has called into question her leadership, refuting calls for her resignation.

“At all times I’ve acted in the best interests of this state. Had I known any wrongdoing was done at any stage I would have not have hesitated to act and I have acted very swiftly when I needed to and I am the first to put up my hand and admit but I haven’t done anything wrong,” she said on Tuesday.

As of this morning, she has continued to stand by her sentiment that she did nothing wrong, commenting in a press conference that she will only resign “when I have done something wrong”.

NSW Labor has been calling for Berejiklian to face consequences over this breach with opposition leader Jodi Mckay accusing the Premier of being a “sounding board for corruption” on Maguire’s behalf.

As of Friday morning, Berejiklian commented in her morning press conference that she doesn’t expect to be called to give more evidence at further ICAC hearings.

She has also elaborated that she has not been made away aware of the new evidence heard by ICAC this morning.

The evidence presented at the hearing so far includes text messages and phone calls exchanged between the two dating back to 2017.

Maguire had told the ICAC hearing on Thursday that his relationship with the premier had been an “on again off again” one that spanned from 2015 to August-September 2020.

At time of publication, Maguire has been questioned on omitting information about his dealings from Berekjiklian and the conversations with Louise Waterhouse.

It comes after Thursday’s transcripts from the hearing were mistakenly released online, information that was intended to be suppressed.

ICAC had apologised this morning for the mishap which saw the documents publicly available for roughly 30 minutes.

Berejiklian commented that she was not pleased by the mistake, “but I accept their apology”.

As more details continue to be released, time will tell whether the premier will remain unscathed.



