First Muslim Woman Elected to Congress to Meet With Trump in November

Trump has a very specific model for the politicians that make up his administration. Where he hasn’t employed his family members, an office of wealthy, social-media savvy, white supremacists make up his team. The team that currently controls the United States and the fate of all its people. A Muslim woman of Palestinian heritage born in Detroit, Michigan does not suit these traits. Yet here we have Rashida Tlaib, who goes against all of Trump’s policies, and is about to become the first Muslim woman elected into Congress.

Tlaib is defying all of Trump’s wants for an electoral candidate.

She is a proud Muslim.

She has raised her three children in the Islamic faith.

She is the daughter of two Palestinian parents.

She is a member of Moms Against Trump, a group of women who protest Trump’s policies.

She is running in the same district as disgraced Democrat John Conyer Jr., who left his position after sexual harassment allegations and reports of misconduct during his term.

Ms Tlaib’s ideals are progressive in the eyes of the people watching her run; she is an open advocate for Medicare, and a minimum wage of $15 for Americans. By Trump’s standards, she is seen as a threat to the values and ideals that comprise his whole presidency.

In 2016, she was one of many protestors who interrupted a speech given by Trump at Detroit’s Cobo Centre. In an article she wrote for the Detroit Free Press, Tlaib explained exactly why she interrupted Trump’s speech, and cited her children as her motivators.

“Watching my 11-year old’s anxiety increase the more he hears from his friends about what Donald Trump said or wants to do if he is elected has been heartbreaking. So when I heard Trump was coming to Detroit to speak only a few miles from our home, I couldn’t say no when I was offered a ticket to attend his speech.”

And now, she is heading to the floor of the House of Representatives, ready to face Trump again.

In her victory speech after winning the primary election this week, she promised to fight for her people, and every other minority suffering under Trump’s administration.

“I will fight back against every racist and oppressive structure that needs to be dismantled. You deserve better than what we have today with our president.”

Tlaib will run unopposed in the next election in November. The Republicans have failed to submit a candidate to oppose the ex-attorney, so her trip to Capitol Hill has become much easier. Tlaib will be coming face-to-face with her biggest challenge in the span of four months. But she is not afraid.

“I’m going to push back against everything that’s so un-American that’s coming out of this administration,” Tlaib proclaimed in her victory speech.

“You don’t have to change who you are to run for office — and that is what this country is about.”

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