Cyber Security

Federal Government’s $230m cyber security strategy

The Federal Government is expected to pour $230 million into its new national cyber security strategy which Malcolm Turnbull will announce today. According to News, the initiative will create a capacity to launch preemptive attacks on “cyber raiders”. A brand new four year program will be developed to boost Australia’s defence against online attacks.

The improved security will include strategies to shut down overseas “safe havens” so cyber criminals can be targeted before they attack our computers. There will also be a public awareness campaign likened to the highly successful 1981 “Slip, Slop, Slap” campaign. The purpose will be to inform Australians on the importance of the ways we use the internet and the overall health of household cyber security e.g. not opening unsought emails. There could potentially also be a “portal” which will serve as a base to share threats received in order to warn others.

To allow for easier consultations, cyber security agencies will be decentralised out of Canberra with offices closer to CBDs. According to iTnews, there may also be a cyber ambassador under the purview of the foreign minister Julie Bishop.


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