
Australia, this is your internet activity for the end of 2015

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released their biannual report on internet activity in Australia for 2015 and here’s everything interesting you probably want to know.


  • There were approximately 12.9 million internet subscribers in Australia at the end of December 2015



  • Almost all (99.3%) of internet connections were broadband



  • There were 62 reporting Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with more than 1,000 subscribers



  • From October 2015 – December 2015, Australians downloaded 1.71 million Terabytes



  • As at 31 December 2015 there were approximately 21.3 million mobile handset subscribers in Australia



  • From October 2015 – December 2015, Australians downloaded 90,693 Terabytes on mobile handsets


Good job Australia, you downloaded a lot now let’s see if you can beat that record next time.





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